2020-2-18 Cycle 1 Coaches notes

Time needed w/ prep:
 10 minutes  

After a quick Immediately get a barbell out + PVC pipe, and go through a thorough snatch warmup that includes high hang work and snatch balance! Heres a great progression:

  • PVC Snatch grip push press


  • PVC Snatch balance

  • PVC High hang power snatch (catch right above parallel)

  • Repeat same movements with empty barbell

Evens: 3 High hang power snatch, 50%
Odds: 3 Snatch balance

Time needed w/ prep: 15-20 minutes.

Goal/Stimulus: Learning how to connect with the bar and pull under versus just dropping. Snatch balance will build confidence under the weight. Weight should be very light and allow the athletes to build good positioning as well as connection with lighter weight. High hang should remain at the hip and torso should be vertical when dipping and driving to generate VERTICAL power.

Teaching point: This is a great time to correct any horizontal movement as well as straying away from the hip.

Snatch balance: 

  1. Vertical, vertical, VERTICAL!

  2. Keep the elbows down to push UNDER the bar, don’t throw the bar up.

High hang power snatch

  1. No full squat required, BUT should still be in at LEAST a half squat to work on positioning.

  2. Keep the bar in the HIP.

6/arm Kettlebell snatch, 70/53 (DB snatch to modify)
12/9 calorie row

Rest 3 minutes

15 Wall ball, 30/20
15/10 Calorie Bike (10/7 calorie modified)

Goal/intention: Quick & heavier burner couplet repeats. Everything in the workout should be unbroken, and the challenge is to push the machines but still recover directly to the other movement. Athletes are aiming to get into the 3rd round or more of each AMRAP. Machines should be modified to keep time on the machine 50-60s.

Cool down stretches

Hurdler stretch (hamstring)
Couch stretch (quad/hip flexor)
Pigeon stretch

Frank Nguyen