2020-2-17 Cycle 1 Coaches notes

Time needed w/ prep:
 10 minutes  

Coaches choice:
Any lower body unilateral work. Consider using boxes early to accustom athletes to stepping up.

DB Step-ups
4x8 at 30% of 1RM Back squat (calculation explained in SugarWOD)

Time needed w/ prep: 15-20 minutes. Start a running clock for 15 minutes, which should be sufficient time to complete all sets.

Goal/Stimulus: Build and correct unilateral strength for the beginning part of the cycle to ensure strong positions when we start squatting. Complete all reps on one leg first, then all on the other. Athletes can rest 2-3 minutes between sets, and can have a small break between legs if needed.

Teaching point: Make sure athletes are finishing each step up on only ONE leg, not using the other to assist. Decrease load if this is the case for one leg that might be weaker than the other.

Step-up Points of performance: 

  1. No swinging DBs or using other leg to stand up on the box

  2. The opposing leg CAN be used to press off at the start, but not to where its a dramatic push off

  3. DBs are held in each hand at the side of the body— no where else.

  4. Box is at top of knee cap. Add plates if necessary.

3 rounds for consistency
60s on / 30s off
Burpee over bar (lateral)
Front squat, 155/105
Toes to bar / Knee raises / Sit-ups

Goal/intention: Get the same number for each movement, every round. Find a pace that you can sustain the entire workout. 2-3 Increase in reps is okay, fall off / decrease should be avoided. Scoring: 3 seperate scores for each round. (1 round = Buprees + Front squat + TTB). Lowest score is your overall score.

Modifications: Loading of the squat should be something the athletes have to only drop ONCE in any 60s time frame. If it is dropped more than that, they lose the stimulus. All other movements are just about consistency and finding a breathing rhythm for each movement.

Cool down stretches

Hurdler stretch (hamstring)
Couch stretch (quad/hip flexor)
Pigeon stretch

Frank Nguyen