Friday, 7-17-2015
A) Level 2
1 Clean
Every 75s, 8 sets (10 minutes)
75-80-85-88-90-93-90-90% 1RM Clean
Level 1
Every 75s, 8 sets (10 minutes)
1 Segmented clean pull + 2 hang cleans
B) Level 2
As fast as possible:
50/40 Deficit HSPU, 5/3"
Every time you come off the wall, perform 10 KBS, 70/53#
Level 1
As fast as possible:
60/50 KB Push press
Every time you break, 1-3 flips onto the wall then perform 10 KBS
GOAL: Scale up or down to work on your HSPU. Lots of flexibility allowed here, working on consistency and good HS practice. 6-10 Minutes depending on proficiency.