2020-2-3 DELOAD WEEK Coaches Notes
Time needed w/ prep: 10 minutes
Coaches choice:
Choose stretches and movements that prime to squat HEAVY. Consider getting athletes on the bar sooner to work tempo squats to get all joints and tendons warmed up properly.
Back squat
8x2, every 2 minutes
Time needed w/ prep: 20-25 minutes
Goal/Stimulus: Leg and CNS priming before testing week
Teaching point: Goal to day is to build to a heavy set of 2— NOT 2 rep MAX. Maxes have loss in position, “heavy” days do not. Apply same concepts of bracing in midline and feet as previous weeks.
Back squat Points of performance:
Keep belly down (not over extended), toes down, feet flat.
Knees should track over the toes, NOT outside.
Loading of the squat should start at a medium heavy weight, that should be a solid and easy double. Increase load every set
If there are athletes with limited movement mechanics/mobility, substitute back rack lunges, 5 per leg non-alternating.
2 sets
*30 DU or jump rope b/t each set
Time needed w/ prep: 10-12 mins
Goal/stimulus: Try to go unbroken as long as possible without blowing up. This is all about staying as steady as possible.
Try and go unbroken on this.
Maintain a good breathing and movement rhythm.
Efficiency tip of the day: Brace the belly, keep the toes on the ground to prevent back issues.
Toes-to-bar are all about rhythm today! Try and make sure all kipping is efficient. Have athletes that barely have TTB scale down ROM to something that they can actually maintain a good kip with.
A good way to do this for those borderline athletes is to have them combine TTB and knee raises in the same set. Basically when they dont have enough leverage, they do a KTE instead of a double kip to get their toes up. Every rep counts and they develop kipping
Sit-ups are also a sub for athletes that lack upper body strength or core stability.
Make sure athletes don’t waste too much time here! Modify down the reps, OR just get 30 total jumps in with DU practice. This should only take 30-40s max.
Cool down stretches
Hurdler stretch (hamstring)
Couch stretch (quad/hip flexor)
VMO mash, 2 minutes per side