2020-2-11 TESTING WEEK Coaches Notes
Time needed w/ prep: 15-20 minutes
**Todays warm-up is intended to be thorough. Use this time for lots of drilling and movement correction. This is each coaches opportunity to teach. Here is an approach to how to teach today.
15 - 25 mins: Lead the entire class on position work with PVC and a barbell:
High hang dip
Low hang to high hang
Ground to low hang to high hang
High hang power snatch + Overhead squat
Low hang snatch (HIP CONTACT)*
Below the knee snatch (HIP CONTACT)*
* I cannot emphasize enough how important hip contact is this next cycle. If athletes cannot make hip contact, they need to be moved to a position in which they can. Not only will this reduce the chance of injury, but this will create long term growth as well as greater retention as it allows the athlete to keep progressing. Lack of hip contact will result in bad movement patterns, plateuing of skills, and eventual injury and frustration. There is nothing wrong with modifying any athlete back to high hang.
1RM Snatch
Drop set waves
Goal/Stimulus: Things to clarify: snatches are NOT a functional movement— however we use them as an exercise to build coordination as well as strength in the overhead position. Safety is of UTMOST priority today so:
No running snatches
No one should be lifting in front/behind each other simultaneously
“3 miss rule”
We cannot risk shoulder injuries or injuries to others. If it is more than one step forward, weight must be bailed and released— no “running”. Once 3 consecutive misses occurs, we need to find ways to have athletes move to a more productive session. 3 misses can create undesired compensations to try and make a lift, which increases the risk of the lift.
Unfortunately, we will have to crack down on snatches that don’t make hip contact. Hold each athlete to a high standard— don’t allow shitty positions now and they will thank you later. Not only will does no hip contact teach bad habits, but it wont work with the next cycle’s percentages.
Using drop set “waves” to build confidence and create positive adaptations for athletes and the snatch. Ideally these are all squat, but for older athletes, this can be changed to power and/or from the hang. It is intended to allow more experienced athletes push their consistency abilities, while pushing beginner/intermediate athletes to build consistency. We have found GREAT success when this is done correctly— don’t allow athletes to push weights in this, that is not the goal.
Cool down stretches
Any shoulder stretches (Lat distractions, chest stretch)
Low back