2020-1-29 Coaches Notes

Time needed w/ prep:
 5 minutes

Choose any game, machine, etc. that is fast paced and can get the heart rate up! Jump rope technique is good here since it is in the workout. You can talk about different tempos for different applications.

8 minutes for quality
10 steps single arm farmers carry, L
10 Suitcase DL, L
10 steps single arm farmers carry, R
10 Suitcase DL, R
:30 jog/row/bike/ski

Goal/Stimulus: Explain the importance of developing unilateral strength. By developing unilateral strength, you limit the opportunity for imbalances to create compensations, and compensations create joint issues/injuries. Everything today is focused on developing posterior balance. Use a moderate to heavy KB.

For time
50 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch, 50/35
50 Alternating Dumbbell lunge
100 Double-unders

40 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
40 Alternating Dumbbell lunge
80 Double-unders

30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
30 Alternating Dumbbell lunge
60 Double-unders

Time needed w/ prep: 20-25 minutes.

Goal/stimulus: 17 minute cap. Challenging unilateral conditioning and stamina. This is both upper and lower body unilateral movements, so make sure loading allows good movement patterns.

Dumbbell snatch

  1. Loading should be light enough to allow 15-20 snatches at a time.

  2. Make sure athletes are not pressing out and can actually snatch the weight overhead.

  3. It is very important to have athletes hinge properly to sustain longevity and movement. Efficiency tip of the day: JUMP to get the DB snatch up to make sure you use your legs and not the back.

Dumbbell lunge

  1. DB can be held in any way— on the back behind the neck is a great choice.

  2. Loading should be light enough to allow 20-25 lunges to be done at a time. Try to do 3 sets or less.

  3. Knees should touch the ground but not slamming.

  4. Make sure when lunging, only the moving leg is moving at any point in time. No “shuffling” to meet feet together.

  5. Efficiency tip of the day: Find a rhythm! Lunges are all about rhythm so if you can breathe and get into a groove, you’ll get a bunch done.

Double unders

  1. Scaling: Rep change, mixing single and doubles, it doesn’t matter! As long as athletes practice and maintain time frame. Basic rule of thumb: Only do as many jumps as written on the workout. From there, mix in or modify in any way to work on jump rope skill.

  2. Efficiency tip of the day: Relax the shoulders by pulling them down and back. Tension and frustration are your enemy.

Cool down stretches

Pigeon stretch (glutes)
Supine twist for low back

Frank Nguyen