2020-1-24 Coaches Notes

Time needed w/ prep:
 3-5 minutes

Make this something quick! Throw in some jump rope or a 30s plate hop competition (use a 45#)!

3 Rounds for quality
10 Alternating weighted step-ups, 1x dumbbell or kettlebell
10 strict chin-up (supinated grip)
10/side Single legged Deadlift, empty barbell
10 Alternating single leg V-up

Time needed w/ prep: 15-20 minutes

Goal/Stimulus: Use this as a movement prep and strength building section. Keep all movements light as well as 6-7 on the RPE scale (they shouln’’t be breathing too hard).

Deadlift, 155/105

Time needed w/ prep: 15 mins.

Goal/stimulus: Classic pairing of anterior and posterior movements. Grip and midline will be primary focal points of burn. Steady pace is the goal. Coming out too fast is the TRAP.


  1. Toes-to-bar are all about rhythm today! Try and make sure all kipping is efficient. Have athletes that barely have TTB scale down ROM to something that they can actually maintain a good kip with.

  2. A good way to do this for those borderline athletes is to have them combine TTB and knee raises in the same set. Basically when they dont have enough leverage, they do a KTE instead of a double kip to get their toes up. Every rep counts and they develop kipping

  3. Sit-ups are also a sub for athletes that lack upper body strength or core stability.


  1. This weight should NOT be heavy by any means. This should be easy enough to do for 20 reps unbroken if desired.

  2. Midline stability is of UTMOST importance. Change up the cues today— have people lock their feet in the ground. By changing their foundation and having them keep their toes down, one of the big consequences is they actually brace properly.

  3. Sets should be done for the most part, somewhere between 5-7 reps. Singles are fine later on in the workout if it comes down to it.

Cool down stretches

Supine twist on the ground (low back)
Lat stretch
Forearm mash

Frank Nguyen