2020-1-20 Coaches Notes
Time needed w/ prep: 10 minutes
Coaches choice:
Choose stretches and movements that prime the squat. Consider box step-ups, weighted squats/lunges, banded glute walks, airbike.
Every 75s for 8 sets
Evens: 5 Back squat, ascending weight
Odds: 8 Box hamstring curls
Time needed w/ prep: 15-17 minutes
Video for reference: https://vimeo.com/126068365
Goal/Stimulus: Anterior Leg strength + posterior balancing.
Teaching point: Talk about bracing the trunk and grabbing the ground with their feet. Toes should not rise off the ground when squatting, as this disengages muscle contraction in the squat. If the belly and feet are braced properly, the entire leg can be engaged, posterior and anterior.
Back squat Points of performance:
Keep belly down (not over extended), toes down, feet flat.
Knees should track over the toes, NOT outside.
Loading of the squat should start at a moderate/medium weight, should be confident to start. Build by feel to a solid set of 5.
If there are athletes with limited movement mechanics/mobility, substitute back rack lunges, 5 per leg non-alternating.
Hamstring pull points of performance
Watch video link above.
2 sets
12 Kettlebell Swing, 53/35
8 Box Jumps, 24/20"
4 Handstand Push-ups
Rest 2 minutes between sets. Start back from the beginning on 2nd set.
Time needed w/ prep: 20 mins
Goal/stimulus: Repeatability OR get more the 2nd go around. Find a steady pace to keep in the first 6 minute AMRAP. Movement quality is key in order to sustain without falling off. 3+ rounds is the goal.
Try and go unbroken on this.
Maintain a good breathing and movement rhythm.
Efficiency tip of the day: Brace the belly, keep the toes on the ground to prevent back issues.
Box jumps
Safety first: step down all box jumps or rebound at your own risk.
Switch legs on step down.
Efficiency tip of the day: Focus on BIG jumps EVERY rep to prevent brain farts and clipping the box.
HSPU modifciation: Push-ups or dumbbell push press
At most, athletes are allowed to have up to 2 ab-mats under the head. Modify if anymore is needed.
Efficiency tip of the day: Briefly talk about bringing the hips/pelvis down when initiating the hip to make sure the kips is efficient.
Cool down stretches
Hurdler stretch (hamstring)
Couch stretch (quad/hip flexor)
VMO mash, 2 minutes per side