Saturday Classes and AXIS
Hey guys! We will be shifting our Saturday classes 30 minutes forward (9:30AM, 10:30AM, 11:30AM) to make more room for our Open gym at the 11AM time, which was often taken up by competitor team training. We were taking WAY too much room and equipment, which didn't allow much room for our Performance Targeting or Open Gym skill work.
Instead of taking up Open Gym time and space, we will be launching a single competitor's class, called AXIS, at 7:30AM on Saturdays beginning 10/7. Any and everyone is invited to the class, but it is designed to cater to those that don’t just want to use their fitness by means of general physical preparedness and a healthy lifestyle… this is for those who wish to pursue human dominance.
As we have created Performance Targeting and Nutrition Counseling (and soon a Weightlifting program), to cater to our growing community's needs, we have made AXIS to cater to those with needs to make this fitness regimen into a sport. Nothing will change with our main classes-- in fact, AXIS will be the same conditioning as our main class with additional work prior.
I refuse to draw a line and say who does and doesn't belong in a AXIS-- as ALL OF YOU are ATHLETES. However, I want to make sure that you guys know that just as the ever popular CrossFit Games is NOT TRUE CrossFit, competing isn’t for everyone in our gym. And that is OKAY. What you see in the CF games and CF Regionals are the top .05% of our community in the world.
The athletes that come to the competitors class want to chase that as a goal, or want to qualify and compete in national throw downs and win local comps. As with our main classes, I will coach these classes. There will be much asked of the athletes and it will be run very different from a “normal” class and you WILL be treated differently (i.e. Shit ain't gonna be bubbly). I want people to understand so no one gets the wrong idea, this class is meant to get the most out of an athlete so in the heat of competition, they will have been in worse situations and know how to adapt and thrive. As a coach in our main classes, we are there to teach, lead, entertain, educate and inspire. In the competitors class I will challenge, push, demand, expect, refine sometimes sabotage yet always lead. The class will run on Saturdays at 7:30AM for 90-120 minutes on majority of days.
As mentioned at the Performance Targeting meeting, email me if you have any questions about the program, or if you would like to schedule your evaluation meeting to see if competing is a proper fit. And as always, we continue to look to improve Derive to make sure we cater to ALL of our members needs!