2016 Open Cycle Overview
We. Are. Here!
Our cycles over the last year now culminate to the peak of the season: The CrossFit Games Open. Here is an overview of the changes to our current cycle:
- Performance Targeting for the next 5 weeks will be done on Wednesday with the option to do it on Thursday after workout, Friday after Open Workout, and Saturday.
- If you have been taking Thursdays off, we are recommending you take Wednesdays as your active recovery day, to do ROMWOD or some light running/rowing/biking. We will use Thursdays as our physical prep day.
- Friday's 5:30PM & 6:30PM Class will be replaced with the beginning of the first heat of Friday Night Lights. We will have heat sign-ups posted on Thursday night, after the release of the first Open workout.
- Saturday will have a programmed workout, as well as an option to do the Open workout for that week. However, you must make sure you have a judge for your scores!
- We will have specific hours on Sunday for Open Gym and Open workout re-dos!
- Monday's will have an option for those that want to do the Open workout one last time before the deadline at 7PM.
We are super excited for everyone to participate this year, scaled or Rx'd! Please let us know if you have any questions by asking a coach, or emailing us at info@crossfitderive.com.