2016 Open Prep Cycle

All DERIVE athletes-- the time has come! We are 58 days away from the first workout of the 2016 CrossFit Games Open! For more information on what the CrossFit Games Open is, see HERE!

Technically, the coaches have been prepping you guys for this since September, but you'll see actual targeting towards this year's open in this upcoming cycle.

There won't be any drastic changes to what we have been doing, as our program has done a great job in prepping you guys up to this point. However, here are some of the bigger changes you can look forward to in the upcoming 8 weeks:

  • Past year's Open workouts every Friday: We will be doing many of the past year's open workouts every Friday to let you guys get a feel for what to expect in February/March.
  • More emphasis on WOD strategy and approach: Again, nothing too new here, but just expect us to talk more into attacking workouts smartly, as well as learning how to adjust when shit hits the fan
  • Continued focus on the "core" movements: You'll continue to see our usual couplets and triplets, but now you'll see more and more of the same or similar movements to what you'll see in the open.
  • A slight increase in barbell & gymnastics conditioning: Same message here, something we have already been doing, but continuing to improve our efficiency and conditioning in our lifts and bodyweight movements. Priority always on moving better.
  • PERFORMANCE TARGETING: Our Performance Targeting Program will roll out on January 4, 2016, and will mesh together with your Open Prep. Priority will be placed on getting better at the movements you will most likely see in the Open, as well as building towards the more advanced movements.

We are excited to see our continued improvements carry over into the Open. This will be our first year as a full gym to attack it! Let us know if you have any questions by emailing frank@crossfitderive.com

Frank Nguyen