16.4 Strategy
This is a beautifully programmed chipper! Continuing on the theme of the year, I feel like the programming has been extremely good. This is a potent combination of 4 movements: the first 3 (DL, WB, Row), challenge the capacity of your lungs and legs, and HSPU thrown in at the end to see what you have to give at the end. Lets break down the movements!
Deadlifts: This should take a toll on the hammies, not the back. I say should because that is the ideal situation (otherwise you'll destroy your back, no bueno). Quick sets here, without smoking yourself out. Remember, the money is in the end of the workout. Depending on your proficiency at DLs, I suggest no more than 10 reps at a time, 5-7s rest.
Wall Balls: Now here's where the opinions divide: typically, you either love or hate wall balls, very few are in between. As we have been practicing with a heavier ball or higher target, I expect many of you to do well on this section. Sets of 10-15 are recommended, to save your legs and shoulders. I went 25-17-13, and although I felt good initially, I probably would have been better off splitting them a tad more to have fresher shoulders for HSPU.
Row: Smooth and steady come into play here. Strong and smooth pulls, remember not to use too much grip/shoulder here. Stay at a constant Cal/hr, and smooth finish on your last 10-12 cals to get ready for HSPU. Keep the damper low, 3-5 range. Anything higher really doesn't make a big difference. I won't argue with any of you about this. Unless you rowed in college/pros, you have no legitimate argument.
HSPU: If you get here, here's where the money is made. Many things come into play on this movement simply because we are playing with a the standards of "the line". What caused so much commotion last year will continue to do the same this year. Make sure you have FULL understanding of the standards (if you don't read them HERE). Many things can effect how well you do on this movement. 2 big things: your distance from the wall and your hand width. The farther you are from the wall, the lower your feet will be below the line. The wider your hands, the lower your feet will be below the line. Get the pattern here? Smooth and steady small sets here, and you must make sure you clear the line. Other factors that can effect you meeting the standards: breaking of the midline/overextension of the back making you lower, and shoulder fatigue. Don't let frustration get the best of you-- communicate with your judge and make each rep count.
BIG PICTURE: The big test here is making sure you can maintain a pace in which you never totally give out by the last movement. Never force your reps if they don't feel right until you have to-- that is determined by the clock. Smooth reps, quick transitions and excellent HSPU technique will win this workout. Good luck!