20.5 Strategy
This might be a tad long because each strategy will differ for every athlete.
I'm going to set a couple of "ground rules" that everyone should stick to though:
Don't be prideful. Dave Castro has been kind enough to make this so you can break it any way you want. DO THAT. Be willing to stray off plan if things start to blow up. The last thing you want is to blow up.
BE CONSISTENT, There are no style points. You are awarded for your fastest time or most reps completed. No one cares how you did it. This goes back to point #1, but be ready to change the plan as needed to make sure you are getting reps done at all times. Strategy doesn't matter if you aren't proficient at these movements. Just GET THE WORK DONE.
Leave the bulk your strongest movement at the end. I'll get more into this below. The worst thing to do is to get stuck with muscle-ups/pull-ups.
Know yourself. Don't get caught up in the fresh feeling you have at the beginning or someone else’s strategy. DO YOU.
Now to strategy:
**This workout consists of 3 movements that are both complementary and redundant.
Redundant means it uses the same muscle groups or movement patterns, thus making you more tired for each following set. Example, doing a giant set of wall balls could kill your dip on the muscle-up.
Complementary means that the movements can also provide breaks from the movements in which you could potentially recover. Example, if wall balls is wearing your arms out, you can recover by rowing and using more legs and catching your breath.
Now, understanding that, here are my groupings:
You have done or are capable of 40 muscle-ups and can do them consistently well.
The end goal is just going to GET THE MU DONE. Open with one big set of muscle-ups, 2-3 short of feeling "burn", something that you could hit every day
Then settle in and choose a set of muscle-ups that you can consistently hold no matter WHAT fatigue level you have. This can range from 3-5 reps for most. Doesn't matter if its exactly the same number or not, just get through consistent sets.
From here, create couplets by alternating MU/Row, MU/WB, MU/Row, etc. as long as you can. How much you do on each is dependent on ....
What you want to finish on and what you are good at. If you want to finish on the row (many will), you will have to do more MU/WB sets. If you want to finish on the WB (more likely and easier to plan), you can alternate more
Now here is the KEY: BE CONSISTENT. Most of you are not elite enough for extra transitions to matter. Any extra transitions is costly in any workout. BUT standing around trying to convince yourself to do a giant set and then being smoked from doing a giant set and continuing that cycle is a lot more costly. You don't get style points for doing bigger sets. You get points for being fast. And you all know what it feels like to lose your arms on muscle-ups.
Be willing to adjust if shit hits the fan.
You have done or are capable of 40 muscle-ups but are not consistent.
You absolutely MUST be conservative on MU sets. Even SINGLES are better than failing a muscle-up. I've seen athletes do extremely well doing singles. You can completely ruin your workout by overdoing your muscle-ups because once they fail, its hard to get them back.
Start on MU. Do a consistent amount, and rotate.
No more than 10-15 WB or calories at a time.
You can do muscle-ups but are inconsistent.
Repeat until you finish MU:
1-3 single MU, 8 cal Row to recover
1-3 single MU, 10 WB to recoverYour goal should be to get as far as you can. Give this your best shot and don't get discouraged.
You cannot do muscle-ups but have been working on them.
You guys are who I'm most excited to see! I've done this for over 7 years and I've witnessed some amazing muscle-ups happen.
Although it can be challenging, I would suggest spending about 2 minutes at a time trying to get MU. Then whether you get one or not, do a quick round of 10-15 calories on the rower and 10-20 wall balls. Then go back to trying to get a muscle-up.
If you don't get one by 10-12 minutes, GO HAM on the WB and Rowing portion of the workout and use this workout as motivation to get those MU!
You cannot do muscle-ups and have not been working on them.
Scaled is pull-ups so you can either try to get through this workout and finish, or try and get your first pull-up!
If pull-ups aren't achievable at this time, finish the WB/Row as fast as you can!
I think that’s all guys! Ask myself or Allison if you are struggling with what you want to do! Good luck! Its the last week, lets CRUSH IT!