Derive CrossFit | Train Differently.

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Monday, 8-31-2015


New Fundamentals session starts TODAY at 7:30PM! Sign up at!
There will also be a normal 7:30PM class running the rest of the month.

Don't forget about our Lift Up Autism event on September 19th! Give 5 minutes and sign-up at

Check out our new post about the next 4-weeks mesocycle on our website!

A1) Level 2/1
Every 75s, 6 sets
(2x) 3-Position Snatch Pull, 65% 1RM Snatch

A2) Level 2/1
Every 75s, 6 sets
1 High hang snatch + 1 Low Hang Snatch, 65%

B) Level 2/1
KBS, 53/35#