Derive CrossFit | Train Differently.

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Wednesday, 7-8-2015

2 FS + 1 Thruster @ 65-70%
Heavier than last week

-Keep weight the same for ALL sets

B) Level 2
Min 1: 15/12 Cal Assault Bike
Min 2: 10 Clean and Jerks, 135/95
Min 3: 20/16 Cal Row
Min 4: 10 OHS, 135/95

Level 1
Min 1: 8/6 Cal Assault Bike
Min 2: 5 Hang Clean and Jerks
Min 3: 10/8 Cal Row
Min 4: 5 OHS, 135/95

GOAL: Consistent high output.
Treat this like a tabata, as the Level 2 rep scheme listed is ALMOST impossible to complete. If you must scale, note how much you scaled, but keep it as close as possible to the written number.